Manuscripts Image Puzzles - 06/07 (2/2)

About today's image

Inspired by a delightful conference at Duke this past week, Creating is Remembering, the next set of puzzles will be drawn from French literary manuscripts of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Since I fell behind on producing new puzzles while in Durham, today's offering is a two-for-one. In this second example, as Larry Earp tells us, "the lover sits in a walled garden (the Park of Hesdin), writing his complainte." [Earp, Guillaume de Machaut: A Guide to Research, p. 153].

This manuscript, BNF fr. 1586 (f. 30v), was produced in the 1350s and is one of the first deluxe presentation manuscripts that contain the collected works of French poet/composer Guillaume de Machaut. You can explore this manuscript on the Gallica site here.

This post was inspired by Michael Appleby's IIIF-powered puzzles and uses code from Brad Manderscheid's HTML5 tutorial. All images used for these puzzles are delivered via IIIF