Manuscripts Image Puzzles - 05/24

About today's image

A Book of Hours, because of its role in private devotion, can often be connected to an individual: a person who owned and used the book, a person for whom the object was made and who appears among the pages. Today's puzzle comes from the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Latin 18014 - otherwise known as the "Petites heures de Jean de Berry" for its place in the collection of one of the premiere patrons of the arts in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century France. Jean de Berry, the son, brother, and uncle of several French kings, appears depicted throughout the book. In this example, which appears on f. 288v, he appears to be leaving on some sort of voyage - the text for the prayer for travelers follows immediately. You can explore more of this stunning manuscript here.

This post was inspired by Michael Appleby's IIIF-powered puzzles and uses code from Brad Manderscheid's HTML5 tutorial. All images used for these puzzles are delivered via IIIF.